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Our research addresses the data privacy and security issues in the emerging technologies. In particular, we design, implement, and evaluate practical systems with provable…

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Our research is funded by : NSERC, University of Manitoba, and Zayed University.
Research Grants:

  • NSERC Discovery Grant (individual), 2015-2019
  • University of Manitoba Start-up Grant,…
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  • Security and Privacy:

    The objective of this course is to train students in secure…

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Data Security and Privacy Lab

Welcome to the official website of Data Security and Privacy Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba. Our research, focuses on the data privacy and security issues in the emerging technologies.

Many organizations such as governmental agencies, hospitals, and financial companies collect and disseminate various person-specific data. Due to the rapid advance in the storing, processing, and networking capabilities of the computing devices, the collected data can now be easily analyzed to infer valuable information for research and business purposes. Data from different sources can be integrated and further analyzed to gain better insights. On one hand, the collected data offer tremendous opportunities for mining useful information. On the other hand, the mining process poses a threat to individual privacy since these data often contain sensitive information. The current practice in data sharing relies primarily on policies and guidelines on the types of data that can be shared and agreements on the use of shared data. This approach alone may lead to excessive data distortion or insufficient protection. Also, contracts and agreements cannot prevent an insider from intentionally performing privacy attacks or even stealing data.

Our research addresses the data privacy and security issues in the emerging technologies. In particular, we design, implement, and evaluate practical systems with provable privacy guarantee for data management in different application scenarios such as healthcare, location-based services, and social networks.

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Data Security and Privacy Lab

Welcome to the official website of Data Security and Privacy Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba. Our research, focuses on the data privacy and security issues in the emerging technologies. Many organizations such as governmental agencies, hospitals, and financial companies collect and disseminate various person-specific data. Due to the rapid advance in the […]

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